Thursday, November 10, 2011

Captain Nobody

We know that other 3rd grade classes have read Captain Nobody. Do you think we should ask Mrs. Montgomery to read it to us, too? Was it really good or really bad? Let us know if you liked it. What are your other favorites? Has anyone read Dragon's Egg yet? We think that one sounds really good.

Montgomery's Magical Readers


Chaffee Reads! said...

Mrs. Barnes is reading this to us now and it is really, really good. It is a good, funny book to read.

Barnes' Bunch

Chaffee Reads! said...

We think of course Mrs. Montgomery should read this to you! It's our favorite so far. We liked when Reggie Ratner climbed up the water tower and everyone thought he was going to jump. Read it to find out if he does!

Braynt/Settle Super Readers

Chaffee Reads! said...

She should read it because when Chris was in the hospital, he yelled and all the doctors thought he was crazy. "Hit the showers!!" Read it to find out what he smashed in his face

Bryant/Settle Super Readers #2